Find the Transport Partner that best suits your needs.


We are looking for passionate drivers with MRO experience and a HRO license to join our dedicated and diverse team. With a Working With Childrens Check and accredation as a bus driver, you can look to become part of our family and  help us lead the way for luxurious transportation.


We are looking for experienced mechanics who have specialised in heavy vehicles and buses, who are reliable and ready to work collaboratively.

About Our team

Fazlan Farook

About the CEO

My passion for cars and buses drove me to pursue my career in the industry, and as I wanted to bring some uniqueness and luxury to transport in Victoria, I started Alston Coaches with the intention to provide my clients with only the best and most personalised service available. As a family-owned business, we are always looking for ways to improve our service, by expanding to different states, testing new vehicles and being innovative in our approach to reaching carbon neutrality.

Get started with Alston, today.